Warm Heart Action • Love Reading
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"Warm Heart Action 3rd Anniversary"

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"Warm Heart Action 3rd Anniversary"

Gather strength, run forward, make it more wonderful with you.

Warm Heart Action Love Reading

In 2014, WAYES launched the “Warm Heart Action Love Reading” public welfare initiative.

This charity campaign focuses on children in impoverished rural elementary schools, donating extracurricular books and book corners.

Our goal is to foster a love of reading among children in the mountains and cultivate greater kindness among children in the cities.

To date, the Warm Heart Action has donated to over 160 rural schools nationwide.

We also welcome your participation to help fulfill a child's dream of reading.

  • Charity Vision

    The habit of reading starts with children, and children in mountainous areas also yearn to read and enjoy reading.

    A book is just a small effort.

    A book is a token of goodwill.

    Let's join together to let children enjoy reading.

    Give wings to children's dreams.

  • Donation Targets

    Schools in impoverished areas and primary and secondary schools that need improved reading conditions.

  • Charity Forms

    1. Donation of "Happy Book Bars" by WAYES

    2. Donation of youth literature

    3. Establishment of a book bar administrator inheritance mechanism

    4. Organization of reading&sharing activities

    5. Collection of post reading feedback

  • Participate in Warm Heart Action

    A book is a token of goodwill. Donate one or more youth books to fulfill a child's dream of reading. Books must be undamaged and contain healthy content.

    Donation location: WAYES’s Home Experience Center located nationwide

  • The first batch of mountainous schools to receive donations:

    Shuijinhe Primary School in Fenjie, Luoding City, Guangdong Mountain Area

    Pingtian Village Teaching Point, Wushan Town, Lechang City

    Shixia Village Teaching Point, Wushan Town, Lechang City

    Qingling Village Teaching Point, Wushan Town, Lechang City

    Yangcheng Primary School, Huangtian Village, Tiechang Town, Longchuan County, Heyuan City

  • Duration: Permanent Charity

    This is not a one-time charity event; it is a sustained, permanent effort to gather the goodwill of people from all walks of life to bring hope to children.

"Warm Heart Action • Love Reading" Arrives at Xiaoshan Primary School in Wushan Town, Lechang City, Shaoguan

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The Warm Path

We collaborate with schools in impoverished mountainous areas and partner institutions

to promote various support development projects and public education initiatives.

Donation of Books and Book Bars

Warm Heart Action delivers book bars and shares children's books to mountainous schools, spreading goodwill. To foster a love of reading among children in the mountains and cultivate greater kindness among children in the cities.

Children's Graffiti Contest

Simply donate one book to participate. Through graffiti and painting, city children can play and donate books, sharing dreams among children, and teaching urban children the joy of sharing.

Development Projects and Advocacy Work

We support various development initiatives beneficial to children in impoverished areas. By collaborating with groups, especially local ones, we adopt a comprehensive development model to improve the reading conditions of schools and children in mountainous areas. We also continuously focus on the growth of the children through follow-up visits.

Public Education

Warm Heart Action reaches into communities, schools, and city centers to inform more children and parents about the learning conditions of children in impoverished mountainous areas. We provide interactive activities to foster a sense of mutual assistance and love among children and educate them about the importance of sharing.
